Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Visual Arguments


I liked "Identities are infinites.. What's yours?" the best. All of the colors and words do a great job of drawing the viewer in. What I like most about it is the upbeat feel, and also the simplicity.

The ad that I liked least was "Embracing Diversity in University Residences." The hands kind of creeped me out, it had no color or visual interest, and I think that a better poem could have been chosen to exemplify the importance of diversity.


The cartoons are all referencing college admissions. The first threeo are commenting on how it is unfair that, due to the supreme court ruling on affirmative action, minorities have an easier time getting into college.  The fourth is saying that people are quick to blame minorities for getting in to college easily, but that there are plenty of other kinds of people who get college admissions precedence for various other (equally unfair) reasons - such as athletes, out of state students, and alum's children. The fifth is simply commenting on how costly it is to get into a good school.

I think that the fourth cartoon is the most effective. It is interesting to look at and simple to understand. The statement that it makes about each of the stereotyped characters is amusing. And I definitely agree with the general message - minorities aren't the only ones recieving preferential treatment when it comes to college admissions.

I think that the third essay is the least effective. It is a good message, but there is waaaaaaaaaaay too much going on in the ad. It didn't make me want to read it at all. It needs to be condensed in order to keep an audience's attention.

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